
Donkeys featured in Stampington's PRIMS magazine

 My copy of PRIMS hasn't arrived just yet, but if you by chance have your copy already, that's the Spring edition, you will see my little donkeys featured! It was very exciting to have Jenifer invite me to photograph and write about myself and work. Jeff, the little donkey with the red polka dot ears is in my etsy shop, all the others have been sold!

Errol is a new little calico bear I made recently, See more of Errol in my Etsy shop!

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vivian said...

Congratulations! thats awesome. I love when I see one of my bloggy friends in a magazine! and your donkeys are too stinking cute!!
have a great weekend Grace.

Mäsywi-Bären said...

i this one a wonderful bear. i like it and i am happy to found your blog. i link him with my blog. hugs from sylvia

Tiffany said...

Congratulations! How exciting!