
A Piece Of Cloth update

Here's my entry for The Piece Of Cloth challenge, I used the fabric supplied by Gleaners Inc as the background. I guess because the fabric design was called Calypso, it had me thinking about summer swaray, colourful cocktail drinks, tambourines, tropical flowers and birds.
I found this a very fun project, thinking about textures and layers of fabric and motifs. How to get the design balanced within the round 25cm embroidery hoop.
I have a few small scraps of fabric left, and being one that really dislike throwing anything away, or to be used as stuffing, before having at least several attempts at re-purposing ..I wonder what will come out of it?
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CurlyPops said...

Gorgeous! I can't wait to see it at the exhibition.

vivian said...

what a fun piece! will you be taking pictures of the other entrants? would love to see them.
have a great week Grace