
Joli Xmas!

This series of art dolls I'm calling "Captain Ted's Cat's". Captain Ted named this little guy Joli. And as you may have guessed Joli dressed himself this morning. Who says spots and stripes don't go together. I think he looks rather sophisticated!

The idea came from a children's book that I was illustrating for a story written by my Ex. The book was never finished and I only ever did a few sketches and a painting. The painting lives in Sydney and I have no photo of it:(But the cats and the idea still live in my head!More pics in my Etsy shop!!
I can honestly say that this guy was so much fun to make. I never would have dreamt I would be knitting tiny jumpers for odd looking cats in spotty britches!! You can find Joli now at my Etsy shop


vivian said...

hello joli!
he is so precious! cant wait to see the next one!!

tilcheff said...

haha :D joli's wearing a jumper!
and who's the long-nosed white cat in the bg?