
excerpts from my early scrap book

i have to thank my mum for saving my scrap book, it's about 40 odd years old now!
I love looking at children's drawings and have collected a few over the years from kids all over the place.
Looking back at my own work was quite a surprise just to see how I viewed my environment.

i found this little drawing glued under another drawing at it was the most surprising, cause i still draw this little figure now.

a little more sophisticated maybe but the basic structure of the character is all there.


tilcheff said...

Great to see these! Keep on posting more. Pure energy and observation - that's what kids' drawings are.

It's amazing that so many times in our lives we go back to a character or an idea and interpret it in a slightly different way. Many of those ideas have their roots in the very early days of our existence.

Claire (ethel loves fred) said...

Just amazing! Thanks for the inspiration!